Our New Range for Dogs: The K9 Case

Edit: Thank you for all the comments we’ve been receiving this morning in response to our new K9 Cases and Feline Frames. Although we’re tempted to enter the Pet Optical Market we can now reveal that this was an April Fool’s joke designed to provide some light-hearted humour on a sunny Friday morning! We hope that you enjoyed learning about the fictitious range – we’ve certainly enjoyed your comments. If you want to share any thoughts with us please do get in touch at marketing@millmeadopticalgroup.com

Working like a dog

Introducing our new K9 Case for your 4-legged friend. 

At Optoplast we have been collaborating with renowned Icelandic Canine Optometrist Dr Tallst Ory to understand the reasons behind the recent surge in spectacle- wearing amongst the pet community. Our research shows that the phenomenon has been driven largely by the increase in domestic administrative tasks that pets have been expected to undertake in recent years, due to our ever more demanding schedules. Compiling weekly shopping lists and filing annual accounts came out top of the list, according to our recent survey. At Optoplast, we have responded to this increased demand for eyewear by developing a stylish new range of glasses cases specifically designed to suit the K9 aesthetic. 

As you might expect, the cases are pet friendly and made from rPET (don't worry, our pets were not harmed during the making of these 100% recycled cases) and they also feature a small microchip implanted into the hinge-lining of the clamshell so that your voice commands can be heard each time Fido opens or closes the lid. Great for reminding him about 'Walkies' and 'Treat time' whilst you're otherwise occupied on an important dispense. 

The range launches today, Friday 1st April. 

We are anticipating strong demand and don't feel that we're barking up the wrong tree with this bold new concept. Please contact us on 0151 526 2626 for more information or email us at k9cases@optoplast.co.uk as we'd love to hear your thoughts about the new range. 


Read about our frames brand, Continental Eyewear, and their new collection also launching today: "Fe-Line" frames for cats! https://continental-eyewear.com/pages/fe-line-iron-frames-our-new-range-for-cats